Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Intro: Passion

According to anyone that interacts with me, my blog title does not describe me. I'm a very quiet person who doesn't voice her opinions. For as much as I love people and being around them, I tend to keep to myself. As a kid, and through Junior High and High School, I was the one that would go to the library, check out as many books as was allowed by library rules (which was 15), and have them all read and returned within the two week due date. I was, and am a nerd. I haven't always been O.K. with that either. I didn't like being "the smart kid," the one that turned in her tests 15 minutes before anyone else did, and always got straight A's. Being that person is what makes you unpopular, and I lived for people's approval. It's something that I still struggle with today, even while saying that people's opinions don't matter, and that I should live for God. I tend to be ashamed of my convictions, and even doubt them, not based on their validity, but on how many people could potentially be offended. So, any passions I might have get kept under wraps, just to make others more comfortable.
But, through prayer and constant dissapointment in my timidity, I've realized something that is actually pretty obvious. I should never be ashamed of a God given gift. Not only should I not be ashamed, it is WRONG for me to not use it. For me to do that is like saying, "Hey God, thanks for my brain. It's a great brain, really. It's nice, and shiny and new and wonderful, and really great for forming opinions and stuff. But, couldn't you have given me a little more beauty instead? I mean, the knowledge and potential you gave me is great, but I really think people would like me better if I was just a little more pretty. But, really, thanks!" Anything that I become passionate about should be expressed unashamedly. That's what this blog will be about. It's a way to get me started on expressing issues that I deal with and am excited about. More to come soon!

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